For increasing sales and getting more customers, you want to get move online with a website. You buy a domain, and some hosting, and hires someone for the designing and development of the website. Everything is done fine, but still you are not getting as much customers or even click on the website. You are not even able to check your website on Google or other search engines.
There are few things I would like to suggest you to go for if you want to increase the website ranking and will also help you to go on first page on Google, Bing and other Search Engines.
Meta Tags:
Try adding Meta Titlle and Meta Description on your website. While making the Meta tags for your website, keep check on the keywords related to your buiness. Say you have a Coffee Shop, the Meta Tags you would like to have on the website are:
<Meta name="Title" content="Rookie Coffee | Best Coffee in the Town | ">
<Meta name="Description" content="Fresh brewed coffee in the town. We serve variosus coffee according to your mood.">
Social Media Pages
Make your presence over Social Medias pages. You need to know where you can easily find your customers/clients, and give more importance to that perticullar social media page.
Smart URL
Make sure the URL for various pages must be short and more relevant to the pages content and page title.
Alt Tags for Images
Many times when I come across many websites for SEO, I found that those Images have no AltTags, the alt tag is helpful for the user going through slow speed internet, where image fail to load. Below is the screen shot of such case, you decide for yourself which is better.
while adding image it must be taken care that the image you are adding to the website must be original and should not be copied from the other websites. And if your website is noticed by Google for copied content you might get pennalized too.
Links To Other Pages
Many of us have websites with 5 pages or even more than that. May times the visitor has no idea if that page. That page can be some article on the blog section or that can be link for user registration on any website. Such links are known as Inbound Links.
You should always add links to the other pages, but it must taken care that the linked page must be relevant to the link provided. Also take care that there should not be more than 2 links, in every page.
But if you want to add more links to important pages, you can add them on the website footer. By this all the website links will appear on all pages
Content Quality:
Please ensure that the content Quality must be maintained. Below are the tips for contenet to be posted on the website.
- There must be some content above the fold.
- Content must not be copied, and should be unique.
- Add Images and relevant links to the conetent.
- Content length msut be upto 700+ words, but it also depends where are you posting that content. At some places, a short content of upto 100 words id enough. But for blog make sure it is lengthy enough.
These were some of the important points which are plays a vital role for the website to be ranked by the Google and other Search Engines. If you liked the blog or if you have also some suggestions for the readers or for us to improve , please mention in the comments below.
Create your website with all SEO points covered for your website, and get good ranking on all Search Engines, contact ARCreators Team.